Redwood City Private Judge & Special Master

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Redwood City Private Judge & Special Master

Redwood City Private Judge & Special Master

Going to court for matters involving your family can be scary to think about. The courtroom is a place that is foreign and oftentimes intimidating for most people. In California, families have an array of alternative options that they may consider when facing legal issues. One of these options is that of hiring a Redwood City private judge & special master.

What Is a Private Judge?

A private judge is a legal professional who acts, in a neutral third-party position, as a judge outside the courtroom. A private judge is often used for cases in which couples are seeking a divorce but do not wish to go through all the legal processes in a courtroom. The private judge has the responsibility of hearing the desires of each spouse. Then, they will make decisions concerning the terms of their divorce. Their judgments can be legally enforced.

Using a private judge to settle a couple’s divorce details is very similar to resolving those issues in court, but this option provides a little more privacy than taking a case to court would. The process may also move more quickly than a typical court case would, as there are a smaller number of legal professionals involved. This allows both parties to be heard while still relying on professional legal counsel.

What Is a Special Master?

A special master acts in a similar role as a private judge, but they have the primary responsibility of making formal legal recommendations when issues arise. These may involve spousal support, property and asset division, child support, custody, visitation, and more. Special masters are sought out as an alternative to litigation. They can make quick decisions when time-sensitive issues arise between a divorcing couple.

A special master is someone who is appointed by the court or chosen by the relevant parties. They may also hold the role(s) of family or divorce attorney, divorce mediator, or even mental health therapist or professional. Special masters often help resolve disputes that involve children in a divorce. Part of their role is to make sure that the divorce process does not get frequently stalled with less significant issues.

Advantages of Handling Your Case in Private

Family matters in Redwood City are often preferably kept private by many people. However, there are some instances in which this is difficult to accomplish. When you choose to take your divorce to court, many of the details of your case and life are available to the public eye. While you will not necessarily be put on display for everyone to see, there is certainly less privacy than what you are probably accustomed to.

One of the advantages of using the help of both private judges and special masters is that you and your family will have more privacy. This kind of privacy can help you and your spouse make decisions that are specific to your wishes rather than choosing options that help maintain a certain image before the public. Private judges and special masters allow you to have a more private setting with minimal eyes on you.

How a Private Judge Can Help

A private judge can offer an array of benefits that taking your case to court simply can’t. Some of these include

  • Private handling of your case. A private judge can keep your family affairs much more confidential than a judge in a courtroom could. A private judge can offer their services in settings that are less public, such as a law office or even your own home through remote meeting platforms.
  • A shorter timeline. It can take months and sometimes even longer to reach the end of all the necessary legal proceedings when you take your divorce case to court. Couples must often wait on prolonged court dates. Occasionally, they may even need to set additional court dates when issues arise. By choosing to settle your problems with a private judge, you can often bypass these extended waiting periods.  A private judge can also provide more time for each meeting than is available in the courtroom setting.
  • You have more control over the outcome. It can be scary to leave decisions about your future to a judge you do not know. Spouses can choose their private judge, who is open to hearing out their desires for the terms of the divorce.

How a Special Master Can Help

A special master can also offer an array of benefits but in a slightly different way than a private judge. Some of these include

  • Gathering and studying evidence that is relevant to your case. Special masters can help you and others involved understand the facts of your case.
  • Making neutral third-party recommendations. These can involve divorce details such as child custody and support.
  • Assisting with property division. They know how to identify and value shared assets and offer potential solutions.
  • Facilitate communication and conflict resolution between spouses. Special masters hold a specific third-party role that can allow them to see outside solutions and help opposing spouses reach an agreement.

Options for Marriage Dissolution

Despite popular belief, not everyone needs to go to court to obtain a divorce. There are other options in California that are less stressful and complex. While some situations require the legal support of a courtroom and judge, many do not. An experienced family attorney can help you determine if you and your spouse can take an alternative route that bypasses many of the complexities of divorce court.

Doing a little research before diving into a full-on court battle can be helpful for your whole family in the long term. There is no standard solution; rather, divorcing couples can choose from a variety of options, allowing them to find a method of dissolving their marriage that ideally works for them.

Private Judge and Special Master in San Mateo County, CA

If you believe that the help of a private judge or special master may be needed in your legal family matters, reach out to TDC Family Law today to learn more about how we can help. TDC Family Law is experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated to ensuring that each client receives seasoned legal help. Contact TDC Family Law to learn more.

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1530 The Alameda, Suite 108
San Jose, CA 95126

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TDC Family Law serves the entire state of California for Family Law Contempt of Court & Private Settlement Judge, Parent Coordinator & Mediation

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