Redwood City Parent Coordinator

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Redwood City Parent Coordinator

Redwood City Parent Coordinator Attorney

For some families, creating and implementing a parenting plan can be difficult, which creates a lot of stress for the parents and the child. Frequent court visits can take a lot of time and money and often leave parents frustrated when a judge’s determination means sacrificing more than they expected. If you’re looking for an alternative for your custody agreement, consulting with a Redwood City parent coordinator may give you the answers you need.

At TDC Family Law, Tracy Duell-Cazes uses her decades of experience with family law and skills as an attorney and mediator in her role as parenting coordinator as well. TDC Family Law focuses on strategic solutions to keep the child’s best interests at the center of the custody process and get the most positive outcome possible for every family.

Understanding Parenting Coordination

In contentious custody disputes, the family court system is not always able to provide parents with the level of personal guidance and conflict resolution needed to reach amicable agreements. Parenting coordination is comparable to mediation in that its goal is to get parents to resolve their child custody and visitation disputes through negotiating terms using an impartial facilitator instead of excessive litigation.

The parenting coordination process gives parents more control over the outcome of the parenting plan than they would have if a judge made the final determinations, and that can lead to more satisfying results and lower stress for both parents and the child. Parenting coordination offers parents guidance throughout the process, minimizes arguments, encourages cooperation, and provides a healthier environment for the family.

Parenting coordination can also minimize the time and cost of working through complex custody disagreements. Going to court for a judge to resolve every difference can make the process take much longer and cost more in legal and court fees.

Parent Coordinators: What They Do

Parent coordinators (PCs) are usually mental health or legal professionals who receive a license and extensive training in conflict resolution and mediation techniques specifically geared toward parenting coordination. In addition, they need to be well-versed in court procedures, family law, and arbitration. It is also important that they understand family dynamics and child development, as well as how those change when parents separate or domestic violence is involved.

PCs act as a neutral party to help parents resolve conflicts through discussion and negotiation. They are not judges, so they generally can’t make major modifications to custody, visitation orders, or child support payments. Instead, they encourage and facilitate compromises regarding the child’s care. Some examples of the kinds of details parent coordination can resolve are:

  • How and when the child will spend time with each parent, including being picked up and dropped off, holidays and vacations, seeing other family members like cousins and grandparents, and other methods of communicating like phone calls, texts, and video chats
  • Where and how the child spends their time, such as which school they will attend, which activities and sports they will participate in before and after school, and who will babysit or care for the child when the parent is unable, such as when they work
  • When and where the child will receive routine medical care and attend religious service, education, and events
  • The daily details of a child’s care, like what they are and aren’t allowed to eat or wear, how they will be disciplined, and what time they go to bed

Working with a PC usually involves meeting with them on your own, with your child, or with the other parent to work out the details of the parenting plan. A PC should keep parents updated via email, phone calls, or other kinds of communication.

A PC’s role is to provide education regarding:

  • Co-parenting and communication between parents
  • The child’s needs, psychologically and developmentally
  • How to manage any conflicts in ways that minimize the negative impact on the child

In addition, PCs often collaborate with or make referrals to other professionals who provide services that might benefit the family. This may include lawyers, school officials, mental health care providers, and others.

Parenting Coordinating and the Court

In Redwood City, CA, when parents can’t agree on the details of a parenting plan or have a hard time following their parenting plan, a judge may order them to work with a PC. In some cases, the parents may request to work with the PC. Parenting coordination can work well for families that are dealing with high levels of conflict between parents as it regards child custody or visitation.

A PC is a guide. If one parent violates the parenting plan or there has been a lot of contentious disagreement, threatening language, or aggression, a judge may help to come together on the details of their parenting plan. In addition, if family issues like substance or domestic violence are present, the family may need a higher level of guidance. However, if parents are still unable to agree on arrangements, the court will decide the details.

How to Prepare for Parenting Coordination

As with any professional, it can be helpful to prepare before your first meeting with a PC. Plan to bring any documentation you have regarding custody, including parenting plans, custody orders, emails, or anything else that will help the PC understand the big picture. It can also be helpful to have a list of specific parenting concerns, as well as any questions you have about the process. Just keep the focus on the child’s well-being and needs.

When you begin the process, it’s important to keep an open mind and be willing to compromise on some issues. Working out custody disputes can be challenging for everyone involved, and finding solutions can often require flexibility and compromise.

Contact TDC Family Law

Tracy Duell-Cazes has vast experience with family law. She is in her 35th year of family law, and has been certified as a family law specialist by the California Board of Legal Specialization since 2002 and is rated as a top attorney by Super Lawyers since 2009. If you are facing a high-conflict custody dispute, TDC Family Law can help you decide if parenting coordination is a good option for your family. Contact our office today.

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1530 The Alameda, Suite 108
San Jose, CA 95126

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TDC Family Law serves the entire state of California for Family Law Contempt of Court & Private Settlement Judge, Parent Coordinator & Mediation

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