Author Archives: Tracy Duell-Cazes

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What happens when a kid gets sick just before parenting time?

The phrase “parenting time” is being used in place of “visitation” since it makes it sound like…

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Quarantine Leading to Higher Rates of Divorce in California

Social distancing is causing a lot of stress for many across the state and country. Keeping yourself…

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Spousal and Child Abuse During Isolation

Rise in Cases of Abuse For many people, these last few weeks have been unprecedented. Many of…

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Missing Child Support Payments During the Coronavirus Pandemic

There are many sad realities that we are all dealing with during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. At…

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Let’s Get Through the Pandemic Crisis Together

It is an unfortunate reality we live in right now with a Pandemic making its way across…

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5 Signs Your Marriage is in Trouble

The holidays are behind us, the celebrations long gone and now that we are firmly entrenched in…

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Divorced for the Holidays

As you are probably aware, the all-consuming “Holiday Season” is upon us, and for those of us…

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Take it Easy for the Holidays

One of the negative “side effects” of wanting to have a good holiday season is the pressure…

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Holiday Season Scheduling

Just as the arrival of September signals the beginning of the new school year, with all the…

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School is Back in Session

Parents everywhere are rejoicing as they send their offspring back to school this fall. For some, this…

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Child Support Re-assessment After Losing a Job

Losing a job is a life-changing event and can be made even more upsetting if you are…

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Summer Vacations After a Divorce

Whether you have a parenting plan in place throughout the year, or a custody agreement mandated by…

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Take the High Road

Conflicts between two people always include two sets of facts that may or may not resemble each…

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Extended Family and Divorce

One of the most painful aspects of separation, after a marriage of any length, but particularly after…

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Is Conscious Uncoupling a Thing For Most People?

We in California are often bombarded with the latest celebrity divorce gossip, and it can sometimes influence…

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Prenuptial Agreements Benefit Everyone

Hopefully, in everyone’s life, they find that perfect someone that they are meant to be with. She,…

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Resolve To Be Happy

It seems a cliché to write about resolutions in the new year, but when you have just…

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When is the best time to start dating?

The New Year is fast approaching and for most of the world, this means a chance to…

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Kids and Holiday Traditions

In a previous post, we discussed getting through the holidays as a parent newly divorced with your…

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Alone for the Holidays

The holiday season, no matter the religion or culture is always accompanied by unrealistic expectations of happiness…

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