Daly City Parent Coordinator

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Daly City Parent Coordinator Attorney

When child custody matters have particularly high conflict and tension, you may find yourself benefitting from the guidance of an experienced Daly City parent coordinator. Like mediators, parent coordinators are there to facilitate productive negotiations and conflict resolution between parents. This approach can be particularly advantageous since it allows you and your co-parent to explore creative solutions outside of the court’s intervention.

At TDC Family Law, a San Jose legal practice, family lawyer Tracy Duell-Cazes is properly certified to assist you and your family with your parenting coordination needs. She understands how sensitive child custody issues can be—that’s why she is here to simplify the process while protecting your child’s needs.

What Does a Parent Coordinator Do in California?

A parent coordinator is a licensed professional who is qualified to assist parents in resolving child custody issues. These unbiased and neutral third-party individuals could be mental health professionals, experienced mediators, or qualified family law attorneys. In California, parent coordinators may be selected by the parents or appointed by the judge overseeing your family law case.

Parent coordinators help divorcing or unmarried co-parents with child custody concerns, including determining an initial parenting plan. Parenting coordination takes place outside of the courtroom in private meetings, which can be preferable for many people as they navigate this often-sensitive area of family law, making the overall divorce process more bearable. The goal of parenting coordinators is to help all parties involved reach an agreement that works for everybody.

What Happens During Parenting Coordination?

Working with a parent coordinator is not unlike mediation, which is a form of alternative dispute resolution that allows divorcing or separated individuals to address their family legal issues outside of court in Daly City. The difference is that parenting coordination specifically focuses on the needs of your child or children and how to find an arrangement that benefits them. Your parent coordinator is there to offer advice and recommend potential solutions to your present issues.

Within parenting coordination, you and your co-parent must meet with your chosen or court-appointed coordinator typically before a divorce or legal separation is finalized. During the meeting or meetings, all parties gather with the goal of resolving custody matters, such as determining a parenting plan that works for everyone, holiday scheduling disputes, and solutions regarding your child’s discipline, schooling, healthcare, and more.

How Does Parenting Coordination Differ from Counseling?

Co-parent counseling, like parenting coordination, can help educate parents on how to meet their child’s needs and appropriately communicate with their co-parent for the care of the child.

However, co-parent counseling is considered a form of therapy, while parenting coordination is a means of dispute resolution. Counseling generally focuses on improving the communication and cooperation skills of the individuals involved, while the purpose of parent coordination is reaching a custody agreement.

In a meeting with your parent coordinator, the proceedings would involve identifying and assessing the technical disputes of your child’s custody and visitation arrangement. You may find it beneficial to participate in both programs, as the goals of each are different.

Parent Coordinator FAQs

Q: What Is the Role of a Parent Coordinator in CA?

A: In the state of California, the role of a parent coordinator is to guide parents toward a sufficient child custody agreement within private proceedings. This means that when working with a parent coordinator, all parties meet outside of a courtroom setting to discuss the disputes and concerns at hand. Child custody issues may include determining a parenting plan and visitation time, holiday scheduling, and solutions about the child’s schooling, extracurricular activities, and health care needs.

Q: Is Parenting Coordination the Same as Counseling?

A: While similar, parenting coordination is effectively not the same process as co-parent counseling, although it may be beneficial to participate in both programs. The goal of parent coordinators is to guide parents towards a custody agreement that’s feasible for both parties and ideal for the child’s wellbeing.

As a form of therapy, co-parent counseling is less focused on the legal aspects of custody but instead focuses on helping parents develop the skills to become competent co-parents on their own.

Q: Are Parent Coordinators the Same as Judges in CA?

A: No, parent coordinators are not the same as judges. Parent coordinators are legal professionals who do not possess the same power to decree official orders that family court judges do.

Judges and parent coordinators are both unbiased third parties, but a coordinator is simply there to guide parents in reaching an agreement by facilitating negotiations and recommending resolutions. Parent coordinators do not possess the same legal authority to make changes to custody arrangements that judges do.

Q: What Are the Downsides of Parenting Coordination?

A: As with all forms of alternative dispute resolution, there may be some downsides to working with a parent coordinator, depending on the details of your situation and your personal budget. It’s important to keep in mind that while coordinators are there to facilitate negotiation and provide advice, you shouldn’t rely so heavily on the coordinator that you and your co-parent are unable to work together to resolve disputes between yourselves in the future.

Q: Do I Need a Parent Coordinator If I Have a Mediator?

A: Depending on your circumstances, you may need a parent coordinator, even if you have a mediator. Parent coordinators and mediation attorney help people with family law issues outside the courtroom, offering solutions and facilitating private proceedings. Mediators can typically handle all family law matters, including custody issues.

Your case may require a parent coordinator if it’s especially high-conflict or complex. Additionally, the court may appoint you a parent coordinator to work with, regardless if you have a mediator.

Qualified Mediation and Parenting Coordination Lawyer

The skilled and seasoned family law attorney at TDC Family Law is here to help you and your family through any child custody issues you may have. Reach out to Tracy Duell-Cazes today to schedule a consultation with a family law specialist about your goals and needs. She can also help you mediate other important divorce matters, such as property division or spousal support.

Daly City Practice Areas



1530 The Alameda, Suite 108
San Jose, CA 95126

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TDC Family Law serves the entire state of California for Family Law Contempt of Court & Private Settlement Judge, Parent Coordinator & Mediation

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